Population Based Cancer Registry (PBCR)

Population Based Cancer Registry

Population Based Cancer Registries (PBCRs) have always remained the corner stone of NCRP particularly from the public health point of view. Perhaps PBCR is the only source which provides authentic data on incidence and mortality of cancer in various parts of the nation for a defined period. As heredity and environment remain the two major determinants of cancer, understanding of wide geopathological variation in a country like India is almost imperative in order to address the problem of cancer. Here lies the importance of PBCR data.

Hospital Based Cancer Registry (HBCR)

Hospital Based Cancer Registry

The main objective of HBCR software is to capture the cancer patient’s identifying, diagnostic and treatment information registered in the hospital. Centres have been provided with the login ID, password and the printed core forms. The centres are collecting and transmitting the data. Quality check report on data could be generated by the centres as well by the NCRP. Updates and corrections of the data can be performed online.

Page Updated on : 19/11/2024