

Welcome to assessment and analysis of cancer in India based on the data from the National Cancer Registry Programme (NCRP).

About NCRP

Cancer Registration is an ongoing systematic collection of data on identified parameters for determining the magnitude and burden of cancer, occurrence of new cases, assessing long term changes in trend and determining the clinical parameters of various cancers. NCRP commenced as a long term activity of Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) with a network of cancer registries across the country in December 1981.

Three Population Based Cancer Registries (PBCR) at Bengaluru, Chennai and Mumbai started functioning since January 1982.Three Hospital Based Cancer Registries (HBCR) at Chandigarh, Dibrugarh and Thiruvananthapuram were initiated in the same year.

PBCRs systematically collect data on all new cases of cancer occurring in a well defined population from multiple sources of registrations (SoR) such as Government Hospitals, Private Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Clinics, Diagnostic Labs, Imaging centres, Hospices and Registrars of Births & Deaths.

HBCRs are concerned with recording of information on cancer patients seen in a particular hospital irrespective of the residential status of the patient. The data collected under HBCRs also contribute to respective PBCRs falling within the same region.

The number of population and hospital based cancer registries have gradually grown and now there are 38 PBCRs and 324 HBCRs in the NCRP network. The number of HBCR registered changes with more hospitals joining NCRP. The data collected by the registries undergo rigorous checks for its quality, duplicates and completeness before being published.

The data generated by NCRP has provides critical inputs to the National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke (NPCDCS), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Govt of India. NCRP provides a direction to the cancer control programme in the states for planning and prevention program, establishing treatment facilities, allocating resources and assessing the impact of specific activities such as screening, awareness generation etc. Hospitals benefit by using the registry data for improving their Cancer care services.

The maps with the network of NCRP (PBCR and HBCR) show the point of presence of these registries.

Cancer Statistics provides a snippet of information on each registry.

The PBCR data is based on the Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2020.

Population used as baseline:
The growth rate of the population between the census years 2001 and 2011 has been used (through the Difference Distribution Method of Takiar and Shobana, 2009) to estimate the mid-year populations (five-year age group and total) for the years of the report, viz., 2012 to 2016. The same has been followed for 27 PBCRs. The 2001 census has not been accepted by the Govt. of Nagaland. The population for Nagaland PBCR has therefore been estimated using 1991 and 2011 census to get the mid-year population of 2012-2016. Factors such as net migration, birth rate and death rate have not been considered.

HBCR data is based on the Report, Clinicopathological Profile of Cancers in India:A Report of the Hospital Based Cancer Registries, 2021 released on 24th September 2021

URL for accessing the reports is https://www.ncdirindia.org/Reports.aspx

The data has undergone several quality checks at the time of entry as well as prior to analysis and conforms international norms.

The website is updated with visualization based on NCRP 2020 Report. Futher updates based on HBCR Report 2021 will be available to visitors soon.